Set against the backdrop of early 20th-century London, this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious musical follows the transformation of the Banks family. When their children, Jane and Michael, drive away yet another nanny, the magical Mary Poppins arrives. With her unique blend of discipline and enchantment, she takes the children on many adventures, teaching the family how to love and value each other again.

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Thank you for your interest in being part of backstage crew! There are a variety of roles available and all are just as critical as the roles that are in the spotlight on the stage performing. A description for each crew position is below – no previous experience is necessary and we will provide training for you to be successful and comfortable in your role on crew. Whether you’re a seasoned crew member or you’ve never been backstage before, we encourage you to sign up!

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Thank you for your interest in being part of backstage crew! There are a variety of roles available and all are just as critical as the roles that are in the spotlight on the stage performing. A description for each crew position is below – no previous experience is necessary and we will provide training for you to be successful and comfortable in your role on crew. Whether you’re a seasoned crew member or you’ve never been backstage before, we encourage you to sign up!

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